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unocss use in miniprogram, 原生小程序 unocss demo


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miniprogram,unocss example

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set unocss preset

two methods to choose from

method one: use common configuration

this method uses the built-in presets in unocss and solves the following configuration

  1. solve the problem that the small program does not support the * selector
  2. rem unit to rpx
  1. use npm in miniprogram,install unocss
npm -D unocss
  1. unocss.config
import { defineConfig, presetUno } from "unocss";

const remRE = /^-?[\.\d]+rem$/

export default defineConfig({
    presets: [
      // 解决小程序不支持 * 选择器
      preflightRoot: ["page,::before,::after"]
    postprocess(util) {
      // 自定义rem 转 rpx
      util.entries.forEach((i) => {
        const value = i[1]
        if (value && typeof value === 'string' && remRE.test(value))
          i[1] = `${value.slice(0, -3) * 16 * 2}rpx`

method two: use unocss-preset-weapp

this method uses the unocss-preset-weapp preset, which solves the following configuration

because the miniprogram does not support escape class, like \ \: \[ \$ \., so need transform bg-#81ecec/50 to bg-hex-81ecec_50

  • use 'hex' instead of '#' , _ instead of : /

    • for example, bg-#81ecec/50 can be converted to bg-hex-81ecec_50
  • for 'hover: and active:, separators can be set to specify the separator

    • for example, setting separators to __, hover:bg-red-500 can be converted to hover__bg-red-500
  1. use npm in miniprogram,install unocss unocss-preset-weapp
npm -D unocss unocss-preset-weapp

  1. unocss.config
import { defineConfig } from "unocss";
import presetWeapp from 'unocss-preset-weapp'

const include = [/\.wxml$/]

export default defineConfig({
  presets: [

generate unocss.wxss

  1. package.json,setting script

use @unocss/cli to listen to file content,documents

  "scripts": {
     "unocss": "unocss pages/**/*.wxml -c unocss.config.js --watch -o unocss.wxss",
     "unocss:build": "unocss pages/**/*.wxml -c unocss.config.js -o  unocss.wxss"

  1. run npm run unocss

wxml content changes, trigger the generation of new unocss.wxss

  1. import unocss.wxss

in app.wxss, impoort generated unocss.wxss

@import "./unocss.wxss";

.container {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  justify-content: space-between;
  align-items: center;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  padding: 200rpx 0;
  height: 100%;

use vscode unocss plugin

  • vscode settings.json
  // 文件类型
"files.associations": {
  "*.wxml": "html",


using transformer in mini programs will change the original file and is not recommended

  • unocss.config.js

add transformerClass,setting include wxml

import { defineConfig } from "unocss";
import presetWeapp from 'unocss-preset-weapp'
import { transformerClass } from 'unocss-preset-weapp/transformer';

const include = [/\.wxml$/]

export default defineConfig({
  presets: [

Additional Notes

  • At this time, the box-shadow shorthand notations like , and [ aren't compatible with native mini-programs. This is due to certain restrictions on the platform that prevent the transformer from processing these notations. Therefore, a straightforward solution isn't available. We suggest using the pre-configured settings instead. If these don't suffice, feel free to write your own CSS. You can find more discussion on this topic in this thread.