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A simple bloom filter for SQLite using Murmur3

Bloom filter extension for SQLite


This is a simple bloom filter extension for SQLite. Internally it uses 'buckets' of 64-bit unsigned integers to store the bloomfilter. It uses the Murmur3 hashing function to create a hash.


Optional: Get the files from github
git clone ...

Initialize the murmur3 submodule. This is a port of murmur3 to C. Please see Peter Scott's repo for details
git submodule init && git submodule update

Compile the module
make module

To play around with murmur3 hashes
make murmur_check


First, the extension needs to be loaded using
SELECT LOAD_EXTENSION('./libbloom.so');

After that the following functions are provided:

  • murmur3(STRING)
    Calculates the murmur3 hash of a given string.
  • bloomfilter(STRING, [SIZE])
    Create a bloomfilter for a given field.
    E.g. SELECT bloomfilter(name) FROM persons WHERE age < 100;
    This function returns a bloom filter as a long hexadecimal string. The optional SIZE parameter specifies the number of bits of the bloomfilter. By default the bloomfilter is 512 bits.
    Test whether the value is in the bloomfilter, returns 1 (true) or 0 (false).

Limitations and bugs

There are probably more bugs and limitations than I can think of, if you come accross any, please let me know.


  • Currently uses a single hash function


This code is released under the BSD3 license. For a copy of the license please see the LICENSE file.