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example code for using DC QP for providing RDMA READ and WRITE operations to remote GPU memory

GPU Direct RDMA Access example code

This package shows how to use the Mellanox DC QP to implement RDMA Read and Write operatinos directly to a remote GPU memory. It assumes the client appliation will run on a GPU enabled machine, like the NVIDIA DGX2. The server application, acting as a file storage simulation, will be running on few other Linux machines. All machine should have Mellanox ConnectX-5 NIC (or newer) in order for the DC QP to work properlly.

In the test codem the client application allocates memory on the defined GPU (flag '-u ) or on system RAM (default). Then sends a TCP request to the server application for a RDMA Write to the client's allocated buffer. Once the server application completes the RDMA Write operation it sends back a TCP 'done' message to the client. The client can loop for multiple such requests (flag '-n'). The RDMA message size can be configured (flag '-s' bytes)

For optimzed data transfer, the client requiers the GPU device selection based on PCI "B:D.F" format. It is recommened to chose a GPU which shares the same PCI bridge as the Mellanox ConectX NIC.


gpu_direct_rdma_access.h, gpu_direct_rdma_access.c - Handles RDMA Read and Write ops from Server to GPU memory by request from the Client. The API-s use DC type QPs connection for RDMA operations. The request to the server comes by socket.

gpu_mem_util.h, gpu_mem_util.c - GPU/CPU memory allocation

server.c, client.c - client and server main programs implementing GPU's Read/Write., - help scripts

Makefile - makefile to build cliend and server execute files

Installation Guide:


Download MLNX_OFED-4.6- (or newer) from Mellanox web site: Install with upstream libs

$ sudo ./mlnxofedinstall --force-fw-update --upstream-libs --dpdk

2. CUDA libs

Download CUDA Toolkit 10.1 (or newer) from Nvidia web site

$ wget

install on DGX server (GPU enabled servers)

$ sudo sh

3. GPU Direct

follow the download, build and inall guide on

4. Multi-Homes network

Configured system arp handling for multi-homed network with RoCE traffic (on DGX2 server)

$ git clone
$ ./write_to_gpu/

5. Check RDMA connectivity between all cluster nodes

Build Example Code:

$ git clone [email protected]:Mellanox/gpu_direct_rdma_access.git
$ cd gpu_direct_rdma_access

On the client machines

$ make USE_CUDA=1

On the server machines

$ make

Run Server:

$ ./server -a -n 10000 -D 1 -s 10000000 -p 18001 &

Run Client:

We want to find the GPU's which share the same PCI bridge as the ConnectX Mellanox NIC

$ ./ (mlx5_12) is near 0000:b7:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 1db8 (rev a1) (mlx5_12) is near 0000:b9:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 1db8 (rev a1) (mlx5_14) is near 0000:bc:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 1db8 (rev a1) (mlx5_14) is near 0000:be:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 1db8 (rev a1) (mlx5_16) is near 0000:e0:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 1db8 (rev a1) (mlx5_16) is near 0000:e2:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 1db8 (rev a1)

Run client application with matching IP address and BDF from the script output (-a and -u parameters)

$ ./client -t 0 -a -u b7:00.0 -n 10000 -D 0 -s 10000000 -p 18001 &