flake8-cognitive-complexity copied to clipboard
cognitive complexity calculation is incorrect
Computed Cognitive complexity is 12 (I believe correct) for this:
class GildedRose:
def update_quality(self):
for item in self.items: # + 1
if (
item.name != "Aged Brie"
and item.name != "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert"
): # + 2
if item.quality > 0: # + 3
if item.name != "Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros": # + 4
item.quality = item.quality - 1
However, 10 is incorrect (less than before???) for following code: Note complexity should be higher than before since code is the same with an added 'if' condition after the 'else'):
class GildedRose:
def update_quality(self):
for item in self.items: # + 1
if (
item.name != "Aged Brie"
and item.name != "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert"
): # + 2
if item.quality > 0: # + 3
if item.name != "Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros": # + 4
item.quality = item.quality - 1
if item.quality < 50: # + 3
item.quality = item.quality
The algorithm in this plugin is implemented in https://github.com/Melevir/cognitive_complexity, you might get more attention opening an issue there
When I run the functions through the complexity checker as a part of the tests, I get 16 and 15 respectively:
def test_else_complexity_ignored():
assert get_code_snippet_compexity("""
class GildedRose:
def update_quality(self): # + 0 (nesting = 0)
for item in self.items: # + 2 (1 for nesting, 1 for the loop) (nesting = 1)
if (
item.name != "Aged Brie"
and item.name != "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert"
): # + 4 (2 for nesting, 1 for the if, 1 for the bool operator sequence) (nesting = 2)
if item.quality > 0: # + 4 (3 for the nesting, 1 for the if) (nesting = 3)
if item.name != "Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros": # + 5 (4 for the nesting, 1 for the if) (nesting = 4)
item.quality = item.quality - 1 # + 0 (nesting = 5)
else: # + 3 (2 for the nesting, 1 for the else) (nesting = 2)
pass # + 0 (nesting = 3)
""") == 16 # Total should be 18
def test_else_complexity_considered():
assert get_code_snippet_compexity("""
class GildedRose:
def update_quality(self): # + 0 (nesting = 0)
for item in self.items: # + 2 (1 for nesting, 1 for the loop) (nesting = 1)
if (
item.name != "Aged Brie"
and item.name != "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert"
): # + 4 (2 for nesting, 1 for the if, 1 for the bool operator sequence) (nesting = 2)
if item.quality > 0: # + 4 (3 for the nesting, 1 for the if) (nesting = 3)
if item.name != "Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros": # + 5 (4 for the nesting, 1 for the if) (nesting = 4)
item.quality = item.quality - 1 # + 0 (nesting = 5)
else: # + 3 (2 for the nesting, 1 for the else) (nesting = 2)
if item.quality < 50: # + 4 (3 for the nesting, 1 for the if) (nesting = 3)
item.quality = item.quality
""") == 15 # Total should be 22