Urls icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Urls copied to clipboard

Treat Urls as first-class citizens


Treat Urls as first-class citizens


Nuget: Urls

.NET Framework 4.5 .NET Standard 2.0 .NET Core 5.0

Urls is a .NET library of records that represent Urls. All properties are immutable, and there are a collection of Fluent API style extension methods to make Url construction easy. I designed this library with F# in mind. Use the non-destructive mutation (with) syntax to create new Urls easily and make HTTP calls with RestClient.Net.

See all samples in the unit tests here.


private readonly string expected = $"{Scheme}://{Username}:{Password}@{Host}:{Port}/{PathPart1}/{PathPart2}?" +

public void TestComposition()
    var absoluteUrl =
        .AddQueryParameter(FieldName1, FieldValue1)
        .WithCredentials(Username, Password)
        .AddQueryParameter(FieldName2, FieldValue2)
        .WithPath(PathPart1, PathPart2);


    //C# 9 records non-destructive mutation (with syntax)
    var absoluteUrl2 = absoluteUrl with { Port = 1000 };

    Assert.AreEqual(1000, absoluteUrl2.Port);


member this.TestComposition () =

    let uri =
        .AddQueryParameter("fieldname1", "field<>Value1")
        .WithCredentials("username", "password")
        .AddQueryParameter("FieldName2", "field<>Value2")
        .WithPath("pathpart1", "pathpart2")

    Assert.AreEqual("http://username:[email protected]:5000/pathpart1/pathpart2?fieldname1=field%3C%3EValue1&FieldName2=field%3C%3EValue2#frag",uri.ToString());

Pass AbsoluteUrl as System.Uri

Automatically convert between System.Uri and back

public static HttpClient GetHttpClientWithAbsoluteUrl
    => GetHttpClient(new AbsoluteUrl("http", "host.com")
        .AddQueryParameter(FieldName1, FieldValue1));

public static HttpClient GetHttpClient(Uri uri) => new() { BaseAddress = uri };

public static Uri GetUri() => new AbsoluteUrl("http", "host.com").ToUri();

Quality First

Code Coverage Mutation Score