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Lossless conversion of JSON to and from statically-typed, immutable objects in Dart and .NET


Traverse and modify JSON documents with .NET records


What Is It And Why?

Sometimes you need to traverse or modify a JSON document without serialization or deserialization. Jayse represents JSON as a simple object model with one record and one enum. The existing libraries like JSON.Net don't do this very well and can be clunky to traverse. For example, inspecting a JSON tree with Json.Net involves JObject, JToken, JProperty, JArray and so on. Jayse makes it easy to traverse the JSON document tree and locate values.

See the full set of examples here.

Take this JSON as an example:

    "type" : "FeatureCollection",
    "name" : "Water_Supply_Pumpset_Assets",
    "crs" : 
        "type" : "name",
        "properties" : 
            "name" : "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
    "stuff" : null,
    "features" : 
            "type" : "Feature",
            "properties" : 
                "ID" : "72cdd9ee-b48d-41af-b6b4-63df02eb7e18",
                "OBJECTID" : 1,
                "MXUNITID" : "WP099P1P",
                "MXSITEID" : "MWS",
                "COMPKEY" : 53884,
                "ISBIG" : true,
                "INSTALLDATE" : "2009-02-15T00:00:00.000Z"
            "geometry" : 
                "type" : "Point",
                "coordinates" : 

Let's say that we want to get the value of ID as a Guid. We can do that by accessing the value like so:

//Convert JSON to the object model
var jsonObject = File.ReadAllText("TestData.json").ToJsonObject();

//Access the value in the ID property



Build a JSON Model

This code creates a JSON object using the builder pattern and then converts it to formatted JSON.

public void PrintSomeJson()
    const string numberKey = "key3";
    const decimal numberValue = 3;
    const string stringValue = "value1";
    const string stringKey = "key1";
    const string boolKey = "key2";
    const string arrayKey = "key4";
    const string innerKey = "innerkey";
    const string innerValue = "innervalue";

    //Create an array of numbers
    var expectedNumbers = new decimal[] { 1, 2, 3 };
    var jsonArray = expectedNumbers.ToJsonArray();

    //Stick an object in the array
    var innerObject =
        new JsonValue(innerValue)
    jsonArray = jsonArray.Add(innerObject);

    //Create an object with a builder
    var jsonObject =
        Add(boolKey, true).
        Add(numberKey, numberValue).
        Add(arrayKey, jsonArray).

    //Print the formatted JSON
    var json = jsonObject.ToJson(true);


    "key1" : "value1",
    "key2" : true,
    "key3" : 3,
    "key4" : 
            "innerkey" : "innervalue"


The object model is easy to inspect. Each node contains a value of string, bool, array, object, number or null exactly like the JSON spec. All nodes are immutable records. You can use non-destructive mutation to modify values. For example, if you wanted to modify the ID property, you can create a new properties node like so:

//Convert JSON to the object model
var jsonObject = File.ReadAllText("TestData.json").ToJsonObject();

var features = jsonObject["features"];
var firstFeature = features.ArrayValue.First();
//Get the properties node
var properties = firstFeature.ObjectValue["properties"].ObjectValue;

//Create a new properties node with the value of "newid" as the ID property
var properties2 = properties.With("ID", new JsonValue("newid"));