Aternos-On-Discord copied to clipboard
Bot is not responding to any command
It responds to only 1 command that is --crash
This is what i see after running it
And this is what i see after using --crash
Some background info:-
The bot comes online ;
I have did everything the instructions said word for word;
I have double checked all the information ;
I was only asked to input The Bot Token, Aternos Username and Aternos Password ;
This was in the requirements.txt :-
aiohttp==3.6.2 async-timeout==3.0.1 attrs==19.3.0 bandit==1.6.2 certifi==2019.11.28 chardet==3.0.4 chromedriver-py==87.0.4280.88 discord==1.0.1 gitdb==4.0.5 GitPython==3.1.7 idna==2.8 lxml==4.5.0 multidict==4.7.4 pbr==5.4.5 python-dotenv==0.11.0 PyYAML==5.3.1 requests==2.22.0 selenium==3.141.0 six==1.15.0 smmap==3.0.4 stevedore==3.2.0 urllib3==1.25.8 websockets==8.1 yarl==1.4.2
This is what the Master folder contains now:-
Python version
Pip version
Please someone help me.
Will anyone respond?
I would re-download to make sure you have the latest version and try again. I tried using a new download of the bot and I had no troubles with it.