I can say SOA heuristics also gave me headaches in #79
Apparently the slow name resolution was caused by my router setting itself as the default DNS and timing out: Still, why does the mdns option on `/etc/nsswitch.conf` query the...
> Consider using just mdns_minimal I changed my `nsswitch.conf` to `hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns myhostname`, but I'm seeing the same behavior > Or fix your DNS server to respond....
@pemensik > Can you change configured DNS to your own server? The power station sets itself as the first dns name resolver anyway > Unless provider has reliable one, can...
I created a `/etc/mdns.allow` with the following content as suggested by the readme: ``` .local. .local ``` And changed my `/etc/nsswitch.conf` line to ``` hosts: files mdns4 [NOTFOUND=return] dns myhostname...
On my manjaro machine, it reads `/etc/mdns.allow` _after_ having queried the dns! `strace getent hosts home-server.local`: [strace.txt]( `/etc/mdns.allow` is opened at line 224 of the log, while the dns are...
So I would need some kind of custom spannable?
> come from the fact that they are not represented as text when displayed in a TextView. If markwon uses `ImageSpan`, then couldn't it simply call `getSource()` on it to...
I'll queue myself. I manly use twitter to follow artists, and having to choose the download folder every time is a pain. I think adding a switch to specify a...
> Note: This is only targeted toward people who use ubuntu-desktop ? Also, I would like to have a confirm by @Jannomag or somebody with push privileges, if possible