GitHubSdk copied to clipboard
What is this?
As the project name suggests it's a SDK for GitHub and it's written for Android(/Java). It's built on Retrofit, Auto Value, RxJava and Moshi.
How do I get it?
Import it with Gradle like this:
compile 'com.github.meisolsson:githubsdk:0.7.0'
How do I use it?
Firstly we init JodaTimeAndroid
Next we get a token and add it to the TokenStore
.subscribe(new SingleObserver<GitHubToken>() {
public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
public void onSuccess(GitHubToken token) {
if (token.accessToken() != null) {
} else if (token.error() != null) {
//TODO: Handle error
public void onError(Throwable e) {
//TODO: Handle error
After saving the token we can start fetching data! (This gets the currently authenticated user)
Single<User> single = ServiceGenerator.createService(context, UserService.class).getUser();