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Implementation of Surface Simplification Using QEM in C++.


Implementation of Surface Simplification Using QEM in C++.

Project structure:


This is the under-the-hood part that enables rendering meshes, our actual mesh simplification is in here.


Entry point to run specific simplification scene.


Window and input handler.

Code Flow

  1. main.cpp : Call the scene with the obj path, position and if to simplify. -->
  2. scene.cpp : Create the shape and add it to the scene to be drawn.
  3. shape.cpp : Create a mesh and texture for this shape.
  4. mesh.cpp : Create an OBJModel from the obj file and init the msh with it.
  5. obj_loader.cpp : Parse the file into an OBJModel with uvs, normal..etc.
  6. MeshSimplification.cpp : If we need to simplify this OBJModel, simplify it.

Data structures

  • m_edgeVector - vector of all edges (no order);
  • m_vertexNeighbor - multimap from vertex index to all it's neighbors;
  • m_errors - vector of mat4 errors for every vertex index;
  • m_OBJIndices - list of OBJIndex, the final structure includes every normal, uv and vertex index in the vertices.
  • m_vertices - vector of the positions of the vertices;
  • At runtime create a min heap for the edges and update it on every edge removed.

Use Arrows to move around the scene and zoom in/out.


4K trianlges on the right, 2k on the left.

4K trianlges on the right, 500 on the left.

298 trianlges on the right, 75 on the left.