You may need send me a email([email protected]), and I will give you a temp link to download this dataset. Because of some security reasons, These downlod links have period of...
@khshalnuaimi negative pictures do not have annotation file. the name of negative pictures start with 'N'
annotation contains all the positive images annotation and positive-annotation only contains test positive annotation
> 你好,我想请问一下,该数据集是有一百万张图片但是标注的图片只有8929张是吗? This dataset has 8929 positive images with classification and detection annotation. If your task is classification, the annotation of negative images is -1 or 0
ok you may need send me a email, and I will give you a temp link to download this dataset
I have sent a email to you , please see your emali
I have sent again. Have you received it ?
> @MeioJane Me2, please respond to my mail as well. please send me a email again may I do not receive your email