Mehver | 这水怎么没味儿啊

Results 23 issues of Mehver | 这水怎么没味儿啊

![image]( This file can correct the language counter to recognize EDAs. BTW, this is so cool. Is not a secret that VL805 is PCIE-USB hub, but people never been thought...

![image]( While this repo is pure docs, why not let the language counter enable and shows Markdown

![image]( Since this repo only contains Markdown documents, why not let the language statistician recognize it?

I'm a noob programmer, but I also a noob hardware developer 🤯 Although there is also a lot of open source hardware in GitHub, many hardware engineers have no idea...

Add Language
Good First Issue

![image]( How could an AD proj without AD showing in language counter!

B站粉丝不请自来。 ![image]( 这个`.gitattributes`文件我也建议原作者加上了。这个文件能让GitHub的语言统计识别到所有主流的轻量EDA文件 (ps:目前嘉立创的项目太少, 还不能添加它的识别)。文件是我自己整理的,如果有别的项目需要也可以到``取用。

![image]( 这个网络编号只出现在了这个引脚上,其他地方都没用到,请问具体是做什么用的? ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ![image](