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RelNN is a novel first-order deep neural model for relational learning.


The source code and the datasets used for the experiments in my "Relational Aggregation using First-Order Deep Neural Models" paper to appear at AAAI-18.

How to access the datasets:

The MovieLens 1M dataset is in datasets/ml-1m folder. It can be also downloaded from the this link. The Yelp! and KDD datasets are in datasets/yelp_mc.db and datasets/KDD15_123.db respectively. Please read the terms of use for these datasets before using them.

How to run the code:

Make sure you have java JDK installed on your machine. Compile the code using the following command (note that the command starts after $):

$ javac *.java

Then for each experiment, run the corresponding class:

$ java <ClassName>

For instance to run the experiemnts on the Yelp! dataset, run:

$ java YelpMC

The other classes are called MovieLensGender, MovieLensAge, and KDD.


Seyed Mehran Kazemi

Computer Science Department

The University of British Columbia

201-2366 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada (V6T 1Z4)

[email protected]


Licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3.0.

Copyright (C) 2017 Seyed Mehran Kazemi