Yolo-Object-Detection-and-Distance-Measurement-with-Zed-camera copied to clipboard
if you have a zed camera you can easily find the distance of the objects you have detected
Yolo Object Detection and Distance Measurement with Zed camera
you can test object detection and distance measurement with zed camera
How to use
You need to run this script like that python zed.py
If you use tensorRT yolo, You need to run this script like that python zed_trt.py
You need to edit the codes in zed.py
line according to yourself.
The default values for weight, config, names file and ZED camera ID are
config_path = "yolov4-tiny.cfg"
weight_path = "yolov4-tiny.weights"
meta_path = "coco.names"
svo_path = None
zed_id = 0
Download the model file, for instance Yolov4-Tiny
wget https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/releases/download/darknet_yolo_v3_optimal/yolov4.weights
Making changes in the "zed.py" file
You need to edit the following lines in zed.py
Size should be changed according to image height and width value in .cfg file Default values are - width : 608, height : 608
98. model.setInputParams(size=(608, 608), scale=1/255, swapRB=True)
Run the application
To launch the ZED with YOLO simply run the script :
python3 zed.py
The input parameters can be changed using the command line :
python3 zed.py -c <config> -w <weight> -m <meta> -s <svo_file> -z <zed_id>
For instance :
python3 zed.py -c yolov4-tiny.cfg -w yolov4-tiny.weights -m coco.names -z 1
For running with custom weights :
python3 zed.py -c yolov4-custom.cfg -w yolov4-custom.weights -m obj.names -z 1
To display the help :
python3 zed.py -h
that's all, if you have a zed camera you can easily find the distance of the objects you have detected
You can see how the program works in the gif below.