Boot order - I mean „Boot Priority". Okay - you can boot from USB sticks. So it seems the installer creation might have failed... You could try again and...
> HI, I just tried with Catalina as well and still the same. I downloaded HacMini.pkg 3.1.4 and tried to, with secure boot enabled and disabled and nothing. As I...
I use the latest BIOS. I will try to make a screen shot - may be to night or tomorrow night - HaC Mini isn't my primary machine.
I got bad news - while trying to redo the process and make some meaningful screenshots in the process I ran into a problem I didn't have before! I can’t...
> **Description** After upgrading to macOS Monterey I was experiencing very long boot times (4min+). After some digging I found that macOS Monterey has problems with the TRIM functionality of...
Well I did some research - and it is a mess.... First thing – it seems Apple drivers work best with Phison Controllers (i.e. used in WD Black drives or...
> > Samsung made a Firmware Update to the 970 EVO Plus in 2019 that gave support for MacOS wich broke with Apples NVME implementation in Monterey > > @Medizinmann-MD...
Something went wrong and your .rom file isn't found. And to really help you a bit morte info would be helpfull - like what CPU do you use, what GPU...
Well - in theorie - you could actually use OpenCore Legacy Pacher to create a patched installer and use this as a basis for creation of an ISO. And as...
You could use -x in boot args to boot into safe mode - AFAIK Shift+Enter won't work with QEMU.