Medical-SAM-Adapter copied to clipboard
Adapting Segment Anything Model for Medical Image Segmentation
Hello author, I ran the file with an error. The following is the specific content of the error: What I entered: python -net sam -mod sam_adpt -exp_name medical-sam-ada...
I treid finetuning the model on 24 gb vram GPU but it runs out of memory and only trains with batch size 2
Hi, as mentioned in the paper, the experimental results on ISIC dataset are listed in the appendix. But there is no appendix section in the priprint paper, any results of...
Hi, thanks for sharing. I wonder that with only one point as prompt, can MSA segment 13 organs at the same time?(For example BTCV dataset),i mean maybe MSA can only...
Can the shape of predicted masks be adjusted directly, avoiding the need for interpolation to match the desired mask shape? Are there specific parameters in the decoder that can be...
我使用了48G的显存的显卡,parser.add_argument('-chunk', type=int, default=5 , help='crop volume depth') #原本96 parser.add_argument('-num_sample', type=int, default=1 , help='sample pos and neg') parser.add_argument('-roi_size', type=int, default=96 , help='resolution of roi') parser.add_argument('-b', type=int, default=1, help='batch size for dataloader')都会爆显存,而太低的参数会导致loss=1...
Hi, I noticed that in your publicly available paper there are experimental results provided under multiple points and boxes, but the repository does not include the relevant code. Can you...
Thakns a lot for the great job. For BTCV dataset, can we use spacing and cropForegroundd for validation dataset? It means that some data in the test results are missing...
I have modified the code for my own remote sensing data and used bounding box prompts for guidance, but during training, the IoU on the validation set is extremely poor....