Norbert Boros

Results 59 comments of Norbert Boros

Well I do not quite understand how that works ... but I will try. This is how I have it now: ``` $wsServer = new WsServer($chatServer); $wsServer->disableVersion(0); // old, bad,...

Well this messes up my understanding of websocket server :) Thank you anyway, I will see what I can manage.

@WyriHaximus No luck. The server tries to start, but it automatically stops without any error :( Could please give me a small example ? I will take it from there...

@WyriHaximus I still cannot replace my event loop, I tried a lot... can you please give me an example ? I don't know what to do...

@WyriHaximus If you are talking about "pecl event" I already installed it, and it made only a small difference from 254 connections to 1010, and it gets stuck on 1010....

I managed to "debug" things, it appears that the extension "ev" is not being detected at all, thus the loop factory is using "StreamSelectLoop". I am trying to install now...

@WyriHaximus Of course I did, still it`s not detected :/ is it because PHP is 7.1 ? ..

@WyriHaximus I installed ( somehow ) libevent-devel and then pecl install event and now Ratchet starts with ExtEventLoop(). Hopefully my "limit" is gone now 👯‍♂️

@WyriHaximus Final result: I have passed the 1024 with "event" because "ev" is NOT detected in PHP 7.1 by Ratchet lib.

@nerdakos - I will help you although I spent some time to understand what's actually happening. If you go deep enough in "**react/event-loop/src**" you will find "**Factory.php**": ``` ``` And...