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Contact function in Plugins Preferences fails without mail client set

Open joshas opened this issue 4 years ago • 1 comments

If user doesn't have default email client set, clicking Contact button in Plugins Preferences silently fails with error message in terminal. It would be nice if in this case we could show contact email in some form (either in plugin description or modal), that user could copy it and paste it to e.g. webmail client.

joshas avatar Jun 08 '20 18:06 joshas

Hm, this is indeed an issue.

MeanEYE avatar Jun 08 '20 21:06 MeanEYE

Just checked this and it's possible to right-click on person and option is available to copy link address. However I am fixing how goto_web is behaving.

MeanEYE avatar Jan 19 '24 20:01 MeanEYE