Sunflower icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Sunflower copied to clipboard

to Debian repositories

Open buhtz opened this issue 7 years ago • 2 comments

What are the exact problems to bring Sunflower into the Debian repositories?

buhtz avatar Oct 17 '16 22:10 buhtz

There are no problems really. I didn't even submit software for consideration. I wanted to bring stable version first and then submit. There are few more things I want to clear out before doing so. I believe next version will be the first one to get submitted as soon as it's stabilized. Thanks for asking.

MeanEYE avatar Oct 17 '16 22:10 MeanEYE

Version 1.0 will be the first one to be submitted to official repositories. Current 0.4 version is the first one with GTK3 interface. Once issues with new interface are fixed I will be releasing 1.0 and completing this issue.

MeanEYE avatar May 18 '20 13:05 MeanEYE