I did some testing and found that Kindle supports out of order pages in epub version 3 files. I purposely changed the spine to make files out of order while...
So this is already possible. eg. `liberate B002V5H6F4 B002V5H55A` see `liberate --help` for more info
Please attach your log file. It should be in `c:\users\[you]\Libation\Log####.zip`
@cyrilgowtham This is a truly bizarre error you're experiencing. I don't think I've seen anything like it before. Can you please provide your library scan logs? In Libation go to...
Your settings.json file got corrupted. Try deleting it then restarting Libation. You'll be asked if you're a new or returning user; click "returning". You'll then be asked to select the...
> is this still an active to do list? Or is it stale? Sorry I missed that. Yes, it's stale.
@timdmackey I've tried to make an app package in the past, ~~but I've been unable to solve the issue of the icns not displaying. It's maddening. At this point the...
@timdmackey OK, I've managed to put together a macos app bundle. https://github.com/Mbucari/Libation/suites/10926896121/artifacts/552533482 You still have to --master-disable gatekeeper, but it's a self-contained bundle. Also I noticed that mp3 conversion was...
@hutattedonmyarm > Sure thing! Thanks! The first one is a lib called ffmpegaac. [Here's the source and build script](https://github.com/rmcrackan/Libation/files/10716999/ffmpegaac.zip). To build it, you'll homebrew installed and you'll need to download...