i_love_python copied to clipboard
Collection of very useful python scripts that I built at some point for my use. Released as open source for people to use.
Collection of my python scripts
IsUp.py :- Script to give a sound alert if a website is up or else continues executing.
ScrapeJames.py :- Script to download every blog post of JamesAltucher and save them offline.
QueueInOOPS.py :- Python script showing Queue in OOPS
captureAndSaveVideo.py :- Capture and Save Video from Webcam using Python
countDownMusic.py :- Python script to open a music file after count down
downloadXkcd.py :- Added downloadXkcd.py
get_topcoder_tutorial.py :- Download all topcoder tutorials and save as pdf
hangman.py :- Hangman game powered by Python and ASCII Art
jokes.py :- Bullshit Jokes
multithreaddownloadXkcd.py :- Added Multithreaded Xkcd Comics Downloader
playVideo.py :- Playing Video File using Python Script
python_org_search.py :- uses selenium to automatcally launch a browser and go to python.org and then uses python.org search functionality to search for "pycon"
sendTweetsUsingTwython.py :- Python Script to send tweets using Twython Module
sendemail2.py :- Python script to send email with subject
socialsites.py :- Python script to open my favorite social sites in seperate tabs
stopwatch.py :- Stopwatch powered by Python
textMyself.py :- Added code to send me text messages using Python
tweet_image.py :- Tweet images using Tweepy and Raspberry Camera Module
write_test_in_python.py :- Unit tests in python using selenium and unittest module