Have the same issue with 3 phase socket breaker with meetering capability. It report Voltage, Current and another values of 3 phases in one DP as base64 encoded bites (2...
@BartGysens There are 4 2xByte values in your payload. Decode all string with base64 then take first (second, third, fourth) two bytes and convert it with int.from_bytes(state, byteorder='big'), then multiple...
@BartGysens ".hex" not need (it produces hexadecimal string, but you need the binary string of bytes, it is already here) and 2 bytes ([0:2]), not 3 ([0:4]) See below: ```...
> but the value from the script is always positive So, value is correct (except of sign), but positive? Or it is positive and incorrect?
I think, it is one more bit/byte/DP especially for the direction. Need to find :-) I see you used the bytes [2:4],[6:8],[8:10],[11:13],[13:15] What is the values in bytes 0,1,4,5? It...
@DominikWrobel Give me please the full raw (encoded, as received from device) data strings with positive and negative values.
@DominikWrobel Something like this: `value_power = round(int.from_bytes(value_decoded[2:4], byteorder='big')*0.001, 3) * (-1 if ord(value_decoded[0:1]) else 1)`
@mwkchan > I am using your fork. How should I fill in the Binary Segmentation in your localtuya UI? It always my format is wrong. I should be using '0:2';'3:5';'6:8'....
@mwkchan > Are you going to ask the main repo in HACS incorporating your contributions? Yes, i did. It is here #1221 But it is not accepted yet.
@BaltasarParreira Is it any related errors in HASS log? Try to set the Scaling Factor to "1" Can you show the part of core.config_entries related to device (with local_key redacted)?