adjacent.nvim copied to clipboard
A tiny telescope extension to find files in the same directory as the current buffer.
A tiny telescope extension to find files in the same directory as the current buffer.
The problem
You're working a on a large codebase with a lot of directories and similar file names. Usually you're working on components or modules for an extended period. You want to quickly be able to find the relevant associated files. But also be able to jump into another component and having the same utility without having to manage some sort of bookmark system.
The solution
Being able to search files adjecent to the one you're currently working on. In the example shown below i can just search for "scss" instead of the file name.
- (Telescope)[]
- Install using your favorite plugin manager (here i'm using packer)
use({ "MaximilianLloyd/adjacent.nvim" })
Register telescope extension
Configure search level
extensions = {
adjacent = {
level = 1 -- default
It can be run by using Telescope adjacent
Then you can map to a key
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>fa", "<cmd>Telescope adjacent<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = false })
- [] Ignoring directories
- [] Be able to send adjacent files to quickfix list