Maybe the documentation is a little out of date? I can make it works with CoreStoreObject subclass changing this line to: ``` observer = video.observe(\Video.$status, options: [.new]) { (video, change)...
Got it. Thanks. I think it would be better to add this case to the documentation, what do you think?
Here is lines from supervisord.log when I tried to stop Vapor 4.29.4 on Ubuntu 18.04: ``` 2020-10-05 09:57:02,268 INFO waiting for vapor to stop 2020-10-05 09:57:02,291 INFO stopped: vapor (exit...
@fouadhatem I encountered this issue on AWS t3.small server (2 vCPU, 2 GB RAM). And it works fine on the much more might server with 64 GB RAM.
It compiled as Release binary
Unfortunately DateComponentsFormatter isn't implemented yet
There is only one way to compile SwiftDate library on Linux - disable using of DateComponentsFormatter. I've made changes to compile my project on Linux. You can use it: `.package(url:...
@Kishimotovn you can use my fix: `.package(url: "", .branch("master")),`
@bordunosp You can use my fork, I have just update it `.package(url: "", .branch("master")),`
You shouldn't think so. But you should be ready to make fixes if you really need some package in your project. Or wait when someone makes it. I started with...