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Mutability of Mutation Type Probabilities (Add, Change, Remove)
Like mutation, the probabilities of mutation types(add, change, remove) can also be mutated by being carried in the organism.
Added elements to the interface that the user can edit and see the mutation type probabilities of the organism. (The empty areas of the interface was used in the most optimal way as It is valuable.)
Similarly, the probability average of the add, replace, and remove mutation types was added to the statistics.
Does this affect the evolution in an interesting way?
Does this affect the evolution in an interesting way?
What was most impressive to me about this feature was that when the lifespan multiplier is lowered, organisms adapt and grow rapidly, evolve rapidly, and are more likely to add cells.
Similarly, it was interesting that some organisms (especially those that are small and efficient due to their small size) have evolved to increase the probability of cell removal and thus provide their current form for future generations.
During my experiments, I found that this feature provides flexibility to the evolution of organisms. In fact, many species have survived many extinctions that would have been inevitable extinction without this flexibility, by rapid evolution, thanks to the modification of the probabilities for addition, change, and removal.
The downside: Unfortunately, in some cases, probability combinations evolved by organisms to maintain their current form, coupled with the low mutability, can result in them being caught at a local minimum.
It might be nice to have this as an option in the evolution controls (with the default being disabled). So the user can try it out for themself.
For me, I love to enable that Movers can produce food. Population is unlikely to extinged then. And I could think of this feature being equally interesting to activate.