Wireguard-Manager-GUI icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Wireguard-Manager-GUI copied to clipboard

The front-end GUI for the wireguard manager and API.

Discord Deploy with Netlify Deploy with Vercel

Wireguard Manager GUI

Key Table

Wireguard Manager GUI is used to interact with multiple backend Wireguard Manager and API servers.

Preview the front-end here (the back-end is not running)


  • Wireguard Manager GUI
    • Content
    • Deployment
      • Docker
        • Starting the container
        • Editing your configuration
      • Building from source
    • Configuration
    • Security


Key Generator

We recommend building from source and running the server locally on your machine. Currently this project is not secure to run remotely as there is no authentication.

The easiest way to get up and running is by deploying to Vercel or Netlify. Tap the button at the top of this readme to fork the repo and deploy the site for free.

Important: Despite this being the easiest method we do not recommend it as there is no form of authentication and anyone with your URL can perform functions on your API server.

Proceed to the configuration section.


Using docker is another quick way to get the project up and running on your machine.

Starting the container

  1. git clone this repository
  2. cd into the new directory
  3. Copy the template.json and place it as config.json in the same directory
  4. Edit the configuration
  5. docker-compose up the project, this will build the docker image and run it. Use docker-compose -d to detach from the terminal. I recommend before detaching that you check everything builds fine.

Editing your configuration

After making any changes to config.json, you will need to rebuild before bringing the docker-compose back up.

  1. docker-compose build
  2. docker-compose up. Use docker-compose -d to detach from the terminal.

Building from source

  1. Git clone this repository to a local machine

  2. Enter the repo directory by using: cd (directory-name)

  3. Run the commands below:

# install dependencies
npm install

# build for production and launch server
npm run build
npm run start
  1. If you would like to run the development server instead, use: npm run dev
  2. Proceed to the configuration section and configure your server.


  1. Copy the template.json file and paste it as config.json in the same directory.
  2. In the config.json there are the following variables:
Variable Purpose Type
directAccess The method of transfer. Communicates directly with the endpoints object
directAccess.ServerName The name of the server. Must be unique. object
directAccess.ServerName.url The URL of the Wireguard Manager and API server string
directAccess.ServerName.auth The Authorization token for the Wireguard Manager and API server string


As emphasised before, this project is not currently secure as there is no authentication taking place on the front-end and the user. This is something that would be implemented at a later date, so for now its best to use this locally (without port forward, that just increases risk again.)

TLDR: Use this project locally. Manage your keys locally.