Sorry, I meant Tempo Events. My solution was more a by-hand one: once you know when (in bars/pulses) a tempo change occurs, you export the track after removing all the...
Ensure that you are actually importing the correct module. Start with `print(midi.__file__)` Also, have a look at #124
I struggled with this problem too; I use mididings on a project of mine and it involves transforming midi events, which is a problem when 0 velocity note events occur....
@muranyia Thanks, I wouldn't have been able to find it. I'll try it as soon as possible.
Nice. Maybe it would be better to change the option name to something more generic, like `accept_mute_notes`.
@stefets I just tried and cannot reproduce the original issue. Unfortunally, @noedigcode didn't specify what kind of error was raised, if you can be more explicit about yours (and provide...
Unfortunately, this program was written in Qt4, at a time where it was already near its EOL (and, believe me, I sincerely regret that poor choice, as it was mostly...
We don't know what `get_songs` does, can you clarify?
Are you sure you don't have other python files named "" within the directory of the script you are running (or in the PYTHONPATH)? I suppose you are using this:...
@RED-KAY if you read the features of python-midi, you find out that it's aimed for working with midi file data, if you are under linux you can take the ``````...