PPLKiller copied to clipboard
Protected Processes Light Killer
could you add support to remove this please? I'm referring to Secure (IUM) 
i use this on windows 20h2 but debug failed with windows defender(msmpeng.exe),removed ppl success
I downloaded and installed the VS 2019 preview and the WDK there after. I loaded the solution then ran into an error saying that the WDK version 10.0.17763.0 is not...
i installed the provided wdk along side with c++ in visual studio but when i open the project it has 250+ errors and i cant compile - help - thanks,...
@Mattiwatti we would package PPLKiller in [BlackArch](https://blackarch.org/) for pentesting purposes. We know the executable must run only on Win env but we store this kind of .exe to drop them...