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A collection of awesome Haxe generative libraries, resources and shiny things.
Awesome Haxe Generative
A collection of awesome Haxe generative libraries, resources and shiny things.
Like generative art, generative music or other forms of generative (even if they are not mentioned)
Everybody is allowed to contribute, if they are "attracted" by the word Generative. Any library that serves a purpose in your work, are allowed to be mentioned here.
- If you are the maintainer of the library a working example would be appreciated (but not necessary).
- If you worked with a library in your work, a snippet of code will be appreciated (but not necessary).
For now we have a list with "Unconfirmed libs". That is a list of libs that might work, but are ... unconfirmed. This might be a library that you bookmarked (but didn't test), a library that doesn't have an example, a library that looks unmaintained.
Prototype JavaScript
- hx-quicksettings Haxe extern classes for quicksettings
- haxe-dat.GUI might be outdate
- SUI Simple User Interface: Html + Haxe
- hxProcessing Use Processing in Haxe's Java target
- thx.color General purpose color library for Haxe
- hxColorToolkit Haxe library for color conversion and color scheme generation.
- generative-grammar Parser and generator for a simple generative grammar.
- traceryhx A story-grammar generation library.
- MarkovNameGenerator Markov process-based name generator written in Haxe
- rdg Random Data Generator for Haxe.
Noise / Random
- libnoise A Haxe port of libnoise, the coherent noise library.
- hxNoise A collection of noise functions for Haxe. Has no dependencies to other libraries.
- noisehx noisehx is a teeny weeny library to generate Perlin noise.
- hxrandom Extremely simple helper library to easy picking random numbers in Haxe.
- thx.math Math helper library.
- hxDelaunay Delaunay triangulations, Voronoi, convex hull and more.
Output / Image
- gif Haxe GIF encoder, implementing the NeuQuant and LZW encoding algorithms
- minicanvas Simple helper to quickly generate canvas images (for the browser and nodejs)
Unconfirmed libs 🤔
This is a list of libs that might work, but are ... unconfirmed. This might be a library that you bookmarked (but didn't test), a library that doesn't have an example, a library that looks unmaintained.
If you think this is untrue.... Please let us know!
- voronoi-map-haxe Haxe port of Amit Patel's mapgen2, a procedural terrain / map generator.
- HxAudioTools A toolbox for basic audio manipulation in Haxe.
- hxdsquare Haxe implementation of the Diamond Square algorithm
- MAN-haxe A set of Maze and Noise algorithm classes that can generate 2D array or string maps.
- RectanglePacking Haxe port of Super fast AS3 implementation of rectangle packing algorithm
- Rectangle-Bin-Packing Haxe algorithms for 2D rectangular bin packing
- hxDaedalus Daedalus-lib Haxe version
Inspirational libs
This has nothing to do with Haxe, but probably an awesome place to get inspiration
- color-wander Generative artwork in node/browser based on a seeded random