Maybe a good solution would be to add a new feature `initialRootNode` which allows to specify the initial view of the sunburst diagram (somewaht similar to [`initialTreeDepth` ]( This way...
Its not at all clear to me what you are trying to achieve. Pls provide a working (= with data) minimal exmaple in the [echarts editor](
In the example you shared, echarts moves the second x-axis to the top of the grid. So the axis is present. I still dont quite understand whats the goal of...
Here is a [minimal example]( It seems that different series types consider either the border of a category or the center.
Just specify the [barWidth]( if you want a specific one. By default (and because bars are most often used with category axis) echarts will make the bar use all space...
There seem to be multiple problems with bar series. The issue in the given example seems to be axis `type: 'time'` together with `barWidth: '100%'` but only at exactly 2...
You can use the [stack property]( and set the values for all other categories to 0. [Here]( is an example.
To my knowledge echarts creates one legend entry per series and there is no way around. If the work around I provided is not suitable for your use case you...
Heres an [example]( that may help
You can manually set xAxis [min]( and [max]( such that your markPoints fit inside.