Wordpress-Timthumb-alternative copied to clipboard
An image resizing function that provides Wordpress users with an alternative to Timthumb.php
Hi! I know php and developing Wordpress themes fairly well ( but still consider myself a n00b) and am having trouble creating a function to use with this alternative for...
Sorry to ask such a n00b question but I need help installing/using this script. I am using the Good Idea wordpress theme (http://themes.goodlayers.com/goodidea/) and the thumbnails on the home page...
If I pass an image through this script with crop set to false, instead of simply resizing the image, it nastily stretches/squashes the image into the specified width/height. Example: original...
Timbthumb have option to choose where will be crop. Do you have any solution for that
Don't know why its not working on multisite its working fine in local host when i upload theme on multisite its stop working and show showing original image size.
``` $url = $job->getLogoUrl() ; // Required $width = 100; // Optional. Defaults to '150' $height = 50; // Optional. Defaults to '150' $crop = true; // Optional. Defaults to...
At least on my local server, version_compare() doesn't work if I don't declare global $wp_version.
...hitting the DB when the image already exists. Also added $quality attribute for ImageMagick version.
To allow resize based on one dimension (like WordPress currently works)
This seems to be expected behavior of the script because WordPress treats this situation as if the images are external. My situation occurred because the initial WordPress install took place...