PyBoot copied to clipboard
Device should be booting...
But the device didn’t respond,stay in dfu
I need more information before I help you
I have the same issue with my iPhone 6s (n71ap). Seems like it's rejecting ibec
Current version is: Beta 0.6 Make sure your device is connected in DFU mode. .
`Waiting for the USB device with VID: 0x5AC, PID: 0x1227, SRTG: iBoot-2234. Found the USB device. Stage: RESET, ret: 0x0 Found the USB device. transfer_ret: 0xE00002EB, transfer_sz: 0x0 Stage: SETUP, ret: 0x0 Found the USB device. Stage: PATCH, ret: 0x0
Eclipsa doesn't allow me to see if the exploit worked or not =( Just have to assume it did, if it didn't then reboot into DFU mode and re-run PyBoot Sending boot files to the device and booting [==================================================] 100.0% [==================================================] 100.0% ERROR: Unable to connect to device ERROR: Unable to connect to device ERROR: Unable to connect to device ERROR: Unable to connect to device ERROR: Unable to connect to device Device should be booting! ERROR: Unable to connect to device`
Any advise on this. device still in dfu mode... thanks a lot
@0nenZer0 Please show the full log, just part of it isn't enough for me to see whats wrong
@MatthewPierson here is the complete log.
`$./ -i iPhone8,1 13.4 -a PyBoot - A tool for tether booting Checkm8 vulnerable iOS devices by Matty, @mosk_i
Current version is: Beta 0.6 Please enter the boot-args you want to use then press enter: -v Make sure your device is connected in DFU mode Checking theiphonewiki for 13.4 keys... Found Keys! Found a keys page with multiple models... Which is your device? 1: N71AP 2: N71mAP Enter 1 or 2: 1 User chose N71AP, grabbing those keys... Downloading 13.4's BuildManifest.plist Extracting: BuildManifest.plist, from iPhone_4.7_13.4_17E255_Restore.ipsw Getting SHSH for signing images Downloading and patching 13.4's iBSS/iBEC Extracting: Firmware/dfu/iBEC.n71.RELEASE.im4p, from iPhone_4.7_13.4_17E255_Restore.ipsw Extracting: Firmware/dfu/iBSS.n71.RELEASE.im4p, from iPhone_4.7_13.4_17E255_Restore.ipsw Downloading 13.4's KernelCache Extracting: kernelcache.release.n71, from iPhone_4.7_13.4_17E255_Restore.ipsw Downloading 13.4's DeviceTree Extracting: Firmware/all_flash/DeviceTree.n71ap.im4p, from iPhone_4.7_13.4_17E255_Restore.ipsw
Failed to get RootFS name Please look up the RootFS filename on the key page for iPhone8,1 - iOS 13.4 theiphonewiki and type it here then press enter:
048-64266-316.dmg Extracting: Firmware/048-64266-316.dmg.trustcache, from iPhone_4.7_13.4_17E255_Restore.ipsw Patching Kernel's type from krnl to rkrn Patching TrustCache's type from trst to rtsc Patching Devicetree's type from dtre to rdtr Signing boot files Exploiting device with checkm8 Waiting for the USB device with VID: 0x5AC, PID: 0x1227, SRTG: iBoot-2234. Found the USB device. Stage: RESET, ret: 0x0 Found the USB device. transfer_ret: 0xE00002EB, transfer_sz: 0x40 Stage: SETUP, ret: 0x0 Found the USB device. Stage: PATCH, ret: 0x0
Eclipsa doesn't allow me to see if the exploit worked or not =( Just have to assume it did, if it didn't then reboot into DFU mode and re-run PyBoot Sending boot files to the device and booting [==================================================] 100.0% [==================================================] 100.0% ERROR: Unable to connect to device ERROR: Unable to connect to device ERROR: Unable to connect to device ERROR: Unable to connect to device ERROR: Unable to connect to device Device should be booting! ERROR: Unable to connect to device $
device still in DFU mode. Pls advise. Thanks`
Are you sure your device is an N71AP and not a N71mAP?
@MatthewPierson confirmed it's N71AP. BTW I managed to boot the device already and seen your boot logo after couple of tries. Seems eclipsa8000 sometimes fail does rejecting ibex and not putting device to recovery mode. Anyway thanks for your response.. and Great work on Pyboot.