Matthew Fluet
Matthew Fluet
Closing, since not reproducible.
Having ppc binaries would be fine, especially if adding them to the GitHub release artifacts makes them a stable target for various bootstrap files.
If you know the target platform, then you can compile with `make TARGET_ARCH=powerpc`, which will bypass whatever `./bin/platform` would determine. The trouble with macOS is that there are lots of...
Using an annotation to support the SML/NJ-style elaboration of `withtype` would be a reasonable approach. PR welcome.
Using `structure Finalizable = MLton.Finalizable` produces the output: ``` finalized obj2 finalized obj1 finalized a1 ``` whether using `theFunction self` or `theFunction (#n self)`. I'm not sure why using `MLton.Thread.atomically`...
> > I'm not sure why using `MLton.Thread.atomically` would eliminate the need for a loop in the `atExit` handler. > > There is a while-loop in the `atExit` handler. Have...
The choice of `HOST_ARCH` is determined by [`./bin/platform`](, which essentially just queries `uname -m`. I suspect the difference between 10.6 and 10.7 is just various points in macOS evolution ---...
As far as I can tell from the logs, this issue is mistitled. It isn't really the case that "Latest MLton fails to build on 10.6-10.7 (only for x86_64)". The...
One option, for `${configure.build_arch} eq "x86_64"` and `${os.major}
Closing; as noted in the comments, this is a boostrapping problem and not something that can be resolved here (i.e., with the current MLton sources.