Matthew Fluet
Matthew Fluet
There is already an `Unsafe` module (`basis-library/sml-nj/unsafe.{sig,sml}`), although within the Basis Library implementation (i.e., before we constrain the `Array` module to that specified by the Basis Library), you have `Array.arrayUninit`...
Yes, the exported `structure Unsafe` is for compatibility with SML/NJ. We haven't needed to export MLton-specific unsafe things. Within the Basis Library implementation, we simply use `*Unsafe` functions within their...
Another potential use of `Ref_alloc` and `Ref_uninit` would be to support `Thread_copyCurrent`, which currently "returns" the copied thread via `GC_getSavedThread`, but could be changed to take a `thread ref` and...
MPL is most definitely a fork of MLton, in the sense that the vast majority of the sources are shared. We have periodically merged MLton upstream changes into MPL and,...
Nice! Is the "Hi there: 28" the correct/expected output? The GC behavior during a run of the MLKit compiled MLton looks fairly similar to that during a run of a...
See MLton/mlton#522 and for a variety of `linux-musl` builds.
Duplicate of #145.
Can you say more about the steps leading up to the segmentation fault? One possibility is that you are observing an error in the first-stage bootstrap; the old MLton is...
Well, you can try to perform the first-stage bootstrap with `-debug-runtime true`, which might give a more meaningful assertion error than a segmentation fault.
> The runtime system interface is unstable, so, unfortunately, you can't just "try with the new MLton runtime". I should revise this statement, because @ii8 has been using this approach...