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A package to create readable, random slugs for Eloquent models from animal names and adjectives.


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A package to create readable, random slugs for Eloquent models from animal names and adjectives.


Just require the package through composer:

composer require matteoggl/linnaeus


Add the HasSlug trait on your Eloquent model and insert a column on it's table named slug, of type string with a unique modifier.


By default, a new unique string taken from a combination of 900~ adjectives, 100+ colors and 250~ animals is assigned to the model when created with the following structure: adjective-adjective-animal.

When updated, the slug will not be changed and if soft-deletable, the model's slug will be considered used.

The slugs are used with Laravel's implicit route model binding. For example, this code:

Route::get('/users/{user}', function (App\User $user) {
    return $user->email;

will use Linnaeus' slugs (e.g. /users/moldy-encouraging-turtle).


To publish the configuration file, run the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MatteoGgl\Linnaeus\LinnaeusServiceProvider" --tag="config"

The linnaeus.php configuration file will appear in your config/ directory.

Per-model configuration

Some options can be overridden by updating them inside the model constructor, using a fluent API; here's an example using all the available ones:

public function __construct(array $attributes = [])
        $this->linnaeus = LinnaeusOptions::create()
            ->withStructure(['color', 'animal'])


Q: What's up with the name?

A: Take a look at Carl Linnaeus on Wikipedia

Q: Can this package do feature?

A: I created this package out of a need for a personal project. If you have some suggestions feel free to open an issue or a PR! Also, this package is heavily inspired from spatie/laravel-sluggable; maybe the features you are looking for are there.