AWS-Transit-Gateway-Demo-MultiAccount copied to clipboard
Cloudformation template to set up AWS Transit Gateway with Multi Accounts in Organizations
AWS Transit GateWay Demo with Session Manager between Multi Accounts
These cloudformation templates will create a VPC with Transit Gatway and share it between 2 accounts. SSM is already configured so its easy to test network connectivity.
- Organizations needs to be abled with ALL features turn on (run python script '' to enable)
- 2 AWS Accounts.
- 1 s3 bucket for zip files, Custom Lambda Resources are required as cloudformation/lambda API havn't been updated to include TransitGateway or RAM yet.
This will create everything for you, if you running cloudformation from the browser use seperate browsers so you can tab between.
From Account 1 (Org Master), Copy the 2 zip files into you're s3 bucket ( &
Fill in the 2 Paramaters in 'account-1.yaml': s3 Bucket with zip files & 2nd AWS Account Id. Rest can be left as is
Run Account-1.yaml cloudformation template
aws cloudformation package --s3-bucket randombucket --template-file account-1.yaml --output-template-file output1.yaml
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file output1.yaml --stack-name 'TransitDemo' --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
Once Stack has completed, get the TransitGateWay Output from Cloudformation (TransitGateWay Id) and add it to Paramater in 'account-2.yaml'
Run Account-2.yaml cloudformation template for account-2
aws cloudformation package --s3-bucket randombucket --template-file account-2.yaml --output-template-file output2.yaml --profile account2
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file output2.yaml --stack-name 'TransitDemo' --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --profile account2
- You should now have connectivity between 2 accounts. SSM Session Manager is configured in this template so if you have upgraded SSM agent installed locally you can test:
aws ssm start-session --target 'i-09dd3dd5b22d7f123'
Remember to delete the stacks when finished
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name 'TransitDemo'
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name 'TransitDemo' --profile account2