Matt Timmons
Matt Timmons
I am not certain if this is the same. @jwells89 , could you post how you did your re-draw? Here is what I get when using a darker color in...
Hi, how has others solved this? I have been playing around a lot this morning, but I can not find a way to override the "background" default window tool bar...
hm. I did not think of that.. I did a few things to get by. 1. Used setTitleBarGradient instead of the drawingBlock. 2. INAppStoreWindow.m border radius to 5.0f 3. INAppStoreWindow.m...
To add a bit more. I know I can load in an html file as string and use it.. ``` let emailTemplateFile = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "myemail", ofType: "html")! let contents =...
I will look more into this. Loops are another good use for this.. like building a list of things in an email, all things I have come across recently. For...
Is anyone percent encoding the localIdentifier?
I am not percent encoding the localIdentifier. But, I tried to and still have an issue. To be clear, I am able to use this on an image just fine....
and update to my post.. I was using `instagram://library?OpenInEditor=1&LocalIdentifier=` and not `instagram://library?LocalIdentifier=` I found the "openIn" on a stackoverflow post I believe. Just test, and as of now `instagram://library?LocalIdentifier=` is...
I am also needed a way to do this.. a csv without a header. But, please also my issue #124 where I can't even enumerate.
To partially answer my question, I see that I can rework a few methods that eventually get my to your dir enumerator: `- (BOOL)packFilesAndDirectoriesAtPath:(NSString *)path withTarObject:(id)object size:(unsigned long long)size error:(NSError...