HoneyAlarmServer copied to clipboard
Error: Smartthings.py, line 114, in partitionStatus
In setting a "Stay" mode and then triggering an alarm, a partition status of ALARM_IN_MEMORY was generated. This seems to me like the equivalent of IN_ALARM. I believe it can be added to the dscCodes array as status 654.
Also, the following change (starting around line 84) should remove the error:
dscCodes = {
'READY': 650,
'NOT_READY': 651,
'IN_ALARM': 654,
'ARMED_STAY': 652,
'ARMED_AWAY': 652,
'ARMED_MAX': 652,
# Better error handling..
logging.debug("Status code we received was not in the map, please add it and map to a proper number if you want to act on it")
Thanks for submitting this. Your suggested changes make sense and I pushed up the changes. I did not write the smart things plugin nor do I use it personally - so give it a try and let me know if you run into anything.