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💄 Yet another Aesthetic Hyprland Config

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:herb: ‎ About

Hey there! :wave:

This is my personal dotfiles repository.

I created this repo to help me backup my config files and to easily deploy them in a new machine with the help of Ansible and yadm. It has some files exclusive to my personal use (programming, gaming, etc) so it's not just a rice.

At first I didn't think about ricing but more and more, my focus has got into creating a good and aesthetic rice, with a lot of customization, as well as maintaining the easy deploy and use for my multiple machines.

If you wanna know how to install them, go to the setup section. It has a guided installation and an automatic one (Only for Arch Linux users)

I've been working on this for a long time so I hope you like it!

✨ Features

  • :dark_sunglasses: Dark Mode for the Whole System
  • :zzz: Neovim powered by LazyVim with Custom Extras Added (More than 200!)
  • :point_up: Screenshot, Clipboard, Color and Wallpaper Picker
  • :window: Animations for Most of the System
  • :desktop_computer: AwesomeWM Workspace Behavior
  • :open_file_folder: Following XDG Base Directory Standard
  • :car: Automatic Mounting of USB Devices with Notification
  • :scroll: Scratchpads
  • :nerd_face: Shell Prompt with Nerd Icons
  • :earth_americas: Custom Userchrome and Extension Configurations
  • :rocket: Minimal VSCodium with Native Integration of your Neovim Setup
  • :crab: Rust Alternatives
  • :bell: Notification Center
  • :loud_sound: Volume and Brightness OSD
  • :art: Color Scripts for the Terminal
  • :lock: Idle and Lock apps
  • :boom: Performance Mode
  • :gear: Various other Tweaks

🌸 Core System Info


The rice codename is Artemis 🏹, named after the Greek goddess of the hunt and the wild.

🐧 Whole System Info

Here is all the information about my setup:

[!NOTE] Some of this apps have the config files included in the repo, which are marked with ⚙️. Also, my favorite are programs and tools are marked with 💖.

🐧 System
📚 Entry ✨ App
OS 💖 Arch Linux
Package Manager pacman :gear:
AUR Helper 💖 yay :gear:
Window Manager 💖 hyprland :gear:
Notification Daemon/Center swaync :gear:
OSD Popup swayosd
Bar 💖 waybar :gear:
Audio Daemon pipewire
Application Launcher 💖 rofi :gear:
Firewall ufw
Clipboard Manager wl-clipboard (with cliphist)
Wallpaper Switcher swww
Lock Screen hyprlock :gear:
Idle Timeout hypridle :gear:
Color Picker hyprpicker
Screenshot Tool hyprshot (Using grim and slurp)
Image Annotation satty :gear:
Logout Menu wleave :gear:
🖥️ CLI/TUI Apps
📚 Entry ✨ App
Shell 💖 fish :gear:
Terminal Emulator 💖 kitty :gear:
Terminal Multiplexer zellij :gear:
Shell Prompt starship :gear:
Text Editor 💖 neovim :gear:
Shell History atuin :gear:
CD Replacement 💖 zoxide
LS Replacement eza
Cat Replacement bat :gear:
Find Replacement fd :gear:
File Manager 💖 yazi :gear:
Help Pages navi / TLDR :gear:
Fuzzy File Finder 💖 fzf
Fuzzy Word Finder ripgrep :gear:
Git TUI 💖 lazygit :gear:
Npm Manager TUI lazynpm
Docker TUI lazydocker
Arch Package Search TUI pacseek :gear:
Trash CLI gtrash
Update Tool topgrade :gear:
Audio Visualizer cava :gear:
System Monitor btop :gear:
GPU Monitor nvtop
System Fetch neofetch :gear:
Git Fetch onefetch
Keybindings TUI keyb :gear:
🖱️ GUI Apps
📚 Entry ✨ App
Music Player Spotify (patched with Spicetify) :gear:
Fallback Text Editor VSCodium :gear:
Web Browser 💖 Librewolf :gear:
Messaging App Vesktop (Custom Discord Client) :gear:
Email Client Thunderbird
PDF Viewer Zathura :gear:
Note Taking App 💖 Obsidian :gear:
Video Player Celluloid (MPV frontend) :gear:
Image Viewer geeqie :gear:
File Manager Nemo
Audio Effects Easyeffects
Image Editor Krita
VM Manager Virt-Manager (QEMU)
Recording Program OBS
Office Apps LibreOffice
🔍 Other
📚 Entry ✨ App
Colorscheme 💖 Catppuccin Macchiato
Font JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
Icon Theme Catppuccin-SE
Dotfiles Manager 💖 yadm :gear:
Automatic System Deployment 💖 Ansible :gear:

:wrench: ‎ Setup

:package: Automatic Installation (Arch Linux)

[!WARNING] This installation is specifically designed for Arch Linux. If you're running other systems, install the packages with your OS's package manager.


:package: Manual Installation

[!NOTE] The names of the packages are from the AUR and Arch Repos; adapt them to your system. Most of the packages are available on other distros official repos (most of the time out-to-date). For CLI/TUI specific packages I recommend to use homebrew.

  1. First, lets start with the required base packages for the configuration to function. Assuming you're running Arch Linux, and your AUR helper is yay:

    yay -Sy hyprland hyprlock hypridle xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland hyprpicker \
            swww waybar-cava wleave-git rofi-lboon-wayland swaync swayosd-git wl-clipboard wl-clip-persist-git \
            pyprland qt5ct pavucontrol cliphist playerctl udiskie devify fzf jq eza fd \
            catppuccin-gtk-theme-macchiato catppuccin-cursors-macchiato cava slurp grim

    On the first line we have the hypr ecosystem packages and on the other lines we have the must have packages.

  2. Now lets move to the Optional Packages (If you dont want to install any more packages, move to the 3th step)

    • Replaceable Packages
    yay -Sy yazi nemo kitty ttf-ms-win11-auto ttf-jetbrainsmono-nerd zathura geeqie \
            ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-mono mpv celluloid

    Here we have some packages that you can replace with your favorite ones and are not required at all for the desktop to function (though it wont look the same). For example, the terminal (kitty), the file manager (nemo and yazi), the font (ttf-jetbrainsmono-nerd), the video player (mpv + celluloid), etc.

    • Bluetooth
    yay -Sy bluez bluez-utils blueman

    After installing the required packages, we have to start the Bluetooth service. With systemd is pretty straightforward:

    systemctl --user enable bluetooth.service
    systemctl --user start bluetooth.service
    • Useful CLI/TUI packages
    yay -Sy ripgrep riprep-all sd duf nvtop btop dua-cli bat pacseek tgpt-bin sysz gtrash-bin topgrade
    • Useful GUI packages
    yay -Sy pika-backup vesktop-bin nwg-displays nwg-look gnome-logs galculator gparted nm-connection-editor satty
  3. Installing the dotfiles: Firstly, clone this repository (remember to have git installed).

    git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules
    cd dotfiles && git submodule update --remote --merge

    Now is time to copy the files into their respective directories. Be sure to backup your existing configuration files before copying the files. Once you have that, its time to copy the config files.

    cp -r .config/* ~/.config/
    cp -r .local/bin/* ~/.local/bin/
    cp .czrc ~/

    If you installed the fonts mentioned earlier, be sure to refresh the font cache.

    fc-cache -fv

Congratulations, at this point your done installing the configuration! :tada:

Logout from your current desktop session and log back into the Hyprland session.

If you had any issues or you have some questions about the installation process, feel free to open an issue or a new discussion post

:camera: ‎ Gallery

[!NOTE] For specific images and videos about each tool, check out their own READMEs at their respective config folders. (STILL WIP 🚧)

System Fetch, Pacman Colorscript, App Launcher and Notif. Center
Text Editor
TUI File Manager, ls replacement and System Fetch
GUI Text Editor
System Fetch, Matrix Script and Browser on r/unixporn
Browser with Main Page
TUI System Monitor, Doom and Clock Script, ls replacement and Notif. Center
Text Editor and Audio Visualizer
File Manager, pipes script and Note Taking App
Text Editor and Git UI Manager
Audio Visualizer, Fuzzy Finder in a Git Directory and Image Viewer
Text Editor
Game Platform and Music Player
Text Editor

:tada: ‎ Credits

Big thanks to everyone at r/unixporn for inspiring me to make this!

I wanna point out some resources that helped me the most with the setup:

  • ArchWiki for all the awesome documentation and for helping me to not lose my mind.
  • Folke for his amazing contributions to the Neovim community with some awesome plugins and with the distro that i use: LazyVim. Also, his READMEs and dotfiles are amazing!
  • Yoru's README to help me with the distribution of the README.
  • Amadeus Dots for helping me with the startup setup of the Hyprland WM.
  • Hyprdots for helping me to take ideas from their work. Also, their setup is the best one I've ever seen for Hyprland; it's pretty awesome!.
  • Catppuccin for making the Best Colorscheme Ever 🖌️
  • Github-issue-templates for the some of the markdown templates of the repo.

Those were the biggest inspiring factor for me, though you can find a lot more of setups that helped me in my list of favorite dotfiles from the Stars section of my Github Profile: Check it out!

:writing_hand: Contributing

Part of what makes the open source community special are the contributions. Any contributions will be highly appreciated!

If you have any ideas or suggestions to make, feel free to open an issue or submit a PR

Please, before submitting a PR or opening an issue, be sure to follow the contributing guidelines, as well as the issues and pull requests formatting rules.

Blank or repeated issues and PRs will be closed.

:dollar: Donating

If you want to support my work, please consider donating.

This is optional, but it's always appreciated.

Thank you! :sparkling_heart:

:two_hearts: Star History and Contributors

Thanks to everyone who have contributed and given an star to this project!

:pencil2: Contributors

:star: Star History