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NekoBox for Android / sing-box / universal proxy toolchain for Android
您好: sing-box能否有v2vayN一样保持最新更新呢?如前两天sing-box更新了1.8.1,在v2vayN就能单独更新内核,我今天试了一个1.3的NB4A,里面的内核还是1.6.4的.
## Describe the problem Expected behavior: when the app is running and connected, all apps have to connect through the app into internet. Actual behavior: when the app is connected...
i realized @arm64v8a has been inactive and no update was made for 1 month
请求更新sing-box到1.8.0 手机Android端hysteria2协议,看youtube直接卡的看不了 同局域网,同时间 win端nekoray+hysteria最新内核,v2rayN+sing-box1.8.0,都没问题,速度有1W+速度
## Describe the problem 点击下方的按钮后,显示已连接,再点击测试也能正常测速,但是状态栏没有显示 vpn 的图标,且无法翻墙。尝试用默认的 作为代理也无法翻墙。 ## How to reproduce Provide helpful screenshots, videos, text descriptions, subscription links, etc. ## log ```2024/01/11 12:14:53 INFO[0000] sing-box started (0.00s)...
## adding fragment feature There is an abillity that sends packets with different sizes through network and its revive Blocked or censored domains. There is an app in play store...
plz add fragment options, like this this app in iphone : this feature very need and use in iran, this feature can bypass GFW very well. posible use of... > SagerNet 发布的插件 > io.nekohasekai.sagernet.plugin.* > 目前以下协议可以使用 SagerNet 版插件,请以应用内为准。 SagerNet现在维护比较缓慢,naive plugin的更新实为各种用户提交PR改版本号。如果要NekoBox支持更新比较及时的naive plugin,指导用户直接从klzgrad/naiveproxy下载这个apk是否合适?还是对第三方打包以及往play store或者f droid发布有特点的安排?
#### 编译环境 ubuntu 20 仓库版本 9144e3f9b890ab7c907a527d54102cb197eda63a 安装openjdk-8 测试 javac 安装git git clone #### 1.执行脚本 下载 external lib /run init action library #### 2.设置ndk环境 打开sdk manage 下载 ndk 25.0.8775105 即可 ####...