discord-alt-token-generator copied to clipboard
Using: "python generator.py" = ERROR! $ generator.py help for more infos.
Using: "generator.py help" = nothing happens or pycharm opens to edit it
type python generator.py (number of accounts) (destop-name) 30 true (token-output) (invite codes when their alr made) (message link) Register delay:(sec per account)
python generator.py (number of accounts) (destop-name) 30 true (token-output) (invite codes when their alr made) (message link) Register delay:(sec per account)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "generator.py", line 343, in
try my code :https://pastebin.com/TrUxGNg7 (warning:this is is not the fully working but it should give you a clue on how its going to work)
` then type on your powershell that's in the folder of generator.py : python generator.py 5 muzam 30 true tokenlist (YOUR INVITE CODE) discord.gg/(invite code) Register delay: 10