@Lotsanoiz I guess you better open an issue at that repository. Here only the Art-Net lib is supported.
@signorettae I don't know how familiar you are with the protocol Art-Net. But a lot off artnet problems like this are caused by network issue. Been there myself. By convention...
@mortenthorsen I've took a quick look at this part of the code. And your observation is correct. The mac address is not set into the ArtPollReply struct. Out of my...
Meanwhile fixed in my fork of the repository. The whole library is updated to meet the Art-Net 4 requirements. Once Natcl has the time we should merge the two.
@LittleBigGorilla you can send me a private message with what you have ;-) Include a screenshot or some other relevant these that helps me understand what is going on.
Where can I generate an unique GUID for these materials?
@Ghostkeeper Unique GUID created. Apperently a review is required to merge the commit to the branch.