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Adding mime.define support.

Open amirbilu opened this issue 8 years ago • 1 comments

I was wondering whether it would be possible to support mime.define - -.

I can have it written and pull request. Will you find it useful?

Many thanks.

amirbilu avatar Nov 02 '15 16:11 amirbilu

Interesting. I think it would be useful if you think it's useful. However, we did change the MIME lib a while ago to generate the full content type header because of encoding problems (which is much nicer) and we're using this library to do it: However it seems it doesn't have the ability to define custom types. If you're willing to tinker a bit or see a solution/other lib, I'm willing to take a PR (as long as we conserve the full content type header).

MathieuLoutre avatar Nov 04 '15 11:11 MathieuLoutre