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Stuck Calibrating with Strange Behavior
Last December Im still using Zooey Bot version 3.15.1 and Sarasa Bot without problem.
From around after new year and several days before UnF I did not play GBF since im bit busy.
I have special laptop that i use just to run the bot and obviously I did not change the setting when I did not play GBF.
I tried start the bot several days ago and it stuck in calibrating on my laptop.
I tried to run it on my PC with Normal 1080p Monitor, it also stuck in Calibrating.
I tried to open normal chrome browser and strangely it pass the calibrating and successfully go to summon selection. But its not clicking right button coordinate.
I tried to run it on my another PC with 4K Monitor.
It pass the calibration immediately but it clicking wrong button coordinate.
Anyone have same problem? Is it any screen size change from GBF?
I have same problem since today. I'm running it on GCP VM Instance through RDP. getting stuck in calibrating, but strangely I minimize RDP window then pass the calibrating.(still clicking wrong coordinate) It was fine during GW day2 at least.
Good for you, at least you can hunt some meat on Day 2. Mine is stuck Calibrating even before GW start. Hunt Meat manually and manage to get 1000 at least.
Stuck in Calibrating usually happen because of wrong screen resolution. But I did not change anything. I try to follow the tutorial again to get it correct and still stuck. I dont get it.