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Postgres BIGINT value not being created or updated

Open fallais opened this issue 3 years ago • 10 comments

I posted an issue here : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65858504/postgres-bigint-value-not-being-created-or-updated-with-golang-and-sqlx

Here is the content.

I am doing this :

Note : Request is generated with squirrel

    // Prepare query
	qb := sq.Update(d.table).

	// Build sql query
	q, args, err := qb.ToSql()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("postgresql: unable to build query: %w", err)

	fmt.Println(q, args)

	// Prepare the statement
	stmt, err := d.session.PreparexContext(ctx, q)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("postgresql: unable to prepare query: %w", err)

	// Do the insert query
	res, err := stmt.ExecContext(ctx, args...)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("postgresql: unable to execute query: %w", err)

With this data :

    // Updates
	updates := map[string]interface{}{
		"acknowledgment_duration": obj.AcknowledgmentDuration,
type sqlIssue struct {
	AcknowledgmentDuration int       `db:"acknowledgment_duration"`

I am sure that the value is not 0 when I print it I got the right value, the SQL request is good when I print it, but whatever I try the value in Postgress stays at "0". It is not being updated, nor created with the right value.

The generated SQL request is :

UPDATE issues SET ..................., acknowledgment_duration = $9, .......... WHERE id = $14 [ ......... 10000000000 ..... ]

SQL table is :

-- +migrate Up
    acknowledgment_duration BIGINT,

Am I missing something ?

If I perform the request myself into the database with a too such as Adminer, it is working.. So it must be inside my Golang code I guess...

Do you see the issue please ? I can't figure it out...........

fallais avatar Jan 23 '21 16:01 fallais

If the output of ToSql is correct then it isn't an issue with squirrel. Those values get passed on to whatever database driver you are using.

lann avatar Jan 23 '21 16:01 lann

Yeah... crazy.. Any idea on where I could investigate ? oO

fallais avatar Jan 23 '21 16:01 fallais

I am using postgres driver

fallais avatar Jan 23 '21 16:01 fallais

Double check the query by passing the builder to https://godoc.org/github.com/Masterminds/squirrel#DebugSqlizer and printing the result.

lann avatar Jan 23 '21 16:01 lann

Good advice ! :)

I have this error : [DebugSqlizer error: not enough placeholders in .........., but the update is working.. except that field that cause me an issue. How can the update be working and the debugger saying that there is an error .. ? oO

fallais avatar Jan 24 '21 16:01 fallais

There isn't enough context in your posts to answer. Try giving the full query and/or link to source

lann avatar Jan 24 '21 16:01 lann

This is the full request : UPDATE issues SET description = '', title = 'xxx', workflow_created_at = '2021-01-19 07:50:13 +0100 CET', workflow_created_by = 'xxxx', workflow_c_analyzed_at = '0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC', workflow_c_analyzed_by = '', workflow_l1_acknowledgment_at = '2021-01-19 07:58:37 +0100 CET', workflow_l1_acknowledgment_by = 'dgarcia', workflow_l1_acknowledgment_duration = '504000000000', workflow_l1_analyzed_at = '2021-01-19 08:37:45 +0100 CET', workflow_l1_analyzed_by = 'xxx', workflow_l2_analyzed_at = '2021-01-19 11:33:47 +0100 CET', workflow_l2_analyzed_by = 'xxx' WHERE id = 'OFS5kxFmqD1wOjVS

fallais avatar Jan 24 '21 17:01 fallais

The error was due to the placeholder bug of the debugger : https://github.com/Masterminds/squirrel/issues/116

fallais avatar Jan 24 '21 17:01 fallais

I merged a fix for that bug. Could you post the output of ToSql instead?

lann avatar Jan 24 '21 17:01 lann

Here it is : UPDATE issues SET description = $1, title = $2, workflow_created_at = $3, workflow_created_by = $4, workflow_c_analyzed_at = $5, workflow_c_analyzed_by = $6, workflow_l1_acknowledgment_at = $7, workflow_l1_acknowledgment_by = $8, workflow_l1_acknowledgment_duration = $9, workflow_l1_analyzed_at = $10, workflow_l1_analyzed_by = $11, workflow_l2_analyzed_at = $12, workflow_l2_analyzed_by = $13 WHERE id = $14 [ xxxxx 2021-01-19 12:35:12 +0100 CET xxxxx 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 2021-01-19 12:36:27 +0100 CET xxxx 75000000000 2021-01-19 12:50:09 +0100 CET xxxx 2021-01-20 16:19:15 +0100 CET xxxx OlTYf02rZc0ycF1m]

The value of the BIGINT is 75000000000, all the data is correct, the SQL request seems to be good, I can't see it....

fallais avatar Jan 24 '21 17:01 fallais