terraform-provider-restapi copied to clipboard
The provider tries to create the resource in each terraform plan/apply execution
After a terraform apply the provider still try to create the resource This is the terraform code:
resource "restapi_object" "cf_ssl_recommender" {
path = "/client/v4/zones/${id}/settings/ssl_recommender"
create_method = "PATCH"
id_attribute = var.id
object_id = var.id
data = "{ \"enabled\": ${local.cf_ssl_recomemender_enable} }"
And this is the terraform output for terraform plan/apply
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# restapi_object.cf_ssl_recommender will be created
+ resource "restapi_object" "cf_ssl_recommender" {
+ api_data = (known after apply)
+ api_response = (known after apply)
+ create_method = "PATCH"
+ create_response = (known after apply)
+ data = jsonencode(
+ enabled = true
+ id = (known after apply)
+ id_attribute = XXXXXXXXX
+ object_id = XXXXXXXXX
+ path = "/client/v4/zones/{id}/settings/ssl_recommender"
Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
restapi_object.cf_ssl_recommender: Creating...
restapi_object.cf_ssl_recommender: Creation complete after 1s [id=XXXXXXXXX]
We are able to see the resource with the desired information within the terraform state file after execute a terraform apply
❯ terraform state show restapi_object.cf_ssl_recommender
# restapi_object.cf_ssl_recommender:
resource "restapi_object" "cf_ssl_recommender" {
api_data = {
"errors" = jsonencode([])
"messages" = jsonencode([])
"result" = "map[editable:true enabled:true id:ssl_recommender modified_on:2022-09-06T12:02:17.085Z]"
"success" = "true"
api_response = jsonencode(
errors = []
messages = []
result = {
editable = true
enabled = true
id = "ssl_recommender"
modified_on = "2022-09-06T12:02:17.085Z"
success = true
create_method = "PATCH"
create_response = jsonencode(
errors = []
messages = []
result = {
editable = true
enabled = true
id = "ssl_recommender"
modified_on = "2022-09-06T12:02:17.085Z"
success = true
data = jsonencode(
enabled = true
id_attribute = "XXXXXXXX"
object_id = "XXXXXXXX"
path = "/client/v4/zones/XXXXXXXX/settings/ssl_recommender"
Is this the right expected behavior of this resource? We would like to create it once time only
I'm running into the same issue. Given that the provider supports "CRUD" I was expecting the create
(POST) endpoint to be hit on the initial terraform apply
, the READ
(GET) endpoint to be hit on subsequent terraform apply
commands, the update
(PUT) endpoint to update the object if there were any changes, and finally the delete
(DELETE) endpoint on terraform destroy
I really hope we're just doing something wrong :crossed_fingers:
@ivanfavi it appears the provider does support updating an existing resource and will not create a new if no changes are detected.
My issues was I had a trailing /
in the path
which was cuasing the GET
request to fail.
2022-10-03T19:35:44.229-0400 [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-restapi_v1.17.0: 2022/10/03 19:35:44 api_client.go: method='GET', path='/spreadsheet/1CYiQ3SHQJcY6k_rwiuXZSLNZAD4axfjoQHFpsvOyHDo/sheet/0/row//a84c6a12-eb40-4af1-bd86-acf55cc35a5f', full uri (derived)='', data='': timestamp=2022-10-03T19:35:44.229-0400
2022-10-03T19:35:44.229-0400 [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-restapi_v1.17.0: 2022/10/03 19:35:44 api_client.go: Sending HTTP request to timestamp=2022-10-03T19:35:44.229-0400
2022-10-03T19:35:44.229-0400 [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-restapi_v1.17.0: 2022/10/03 19:35:44 api_client.go: Request headers:: timestamp=2022-10-03T19:35:44.229-0400
2022-10-03T19:35:44.229-0400 [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-restapi_v1.17.0: 2022/10/03 19:35:44 api_client.go: BODY:: timestamp=2022-10-03T19:35:44.229-0400
2022-10-03T19:35:44.229-0400 [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-restapi_v1.17.0: 2022/10/03 19:35:44 <none>: timestamp=2022-10-03T19:35:44.229-0400
2022-10-03T19:35:44.229-0400 [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-restapi_v1.17.0: 2022/10/03 19:35:44 Waiting for rate limit availability: timestamp=2022-10-03T19:35:44.229-0400
2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400 [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-restapi_v1.17.0: 2022/10/03 19:35:44 api_client.go: Response code: 404: timestamp=2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400
2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400 [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-restapi_v1.17.0: 2022/10/03 19:35:44 api_client.go: Response headers:: timestamp=2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400
2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400 [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-restapi_v1.17.0: 2022/10/03 19:35:44 api_client.go: Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2022 23:35:44 GMT: timestamp=2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400
2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400 [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-restapi_v1.17.0: 2022/10/03 19:35:44 api_client.go: Connection: keep-alive: timestamp=2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400
2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400 [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-restapi_v1.17.0: 2022/10/03 19:35:44 api_client.go: Keep-Alive: timeout=5: timestamp=2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400
2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400 [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-restapi_v1.17.0: 2022/10/03 19:35:44 api_client.go: X-Powered-By: Express: timestamp=2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400
2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400 [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-restapi_v1.17.0: 2022/10/03 19:35:44 api_client.go: Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none': timestamp=2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400
2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400 [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-restapi_v1.17.0: 2022/10/03 19:35:44 api_client.go: X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff: timestamp=2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400
2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400 [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-restapi_v1.17.0: 2022/10/03 19:35:44 api_client.go: Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8: timestamp=2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400
2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400 [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-restapi_v1.17.0: 2022/10/03 19:35:44 api_client.go: Content-Length: 245: timestamp=2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400
2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400 [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-restapi_v1.17.0: 2022/10/03 19:35:44 api_client.go: BODY:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<pre>Cannot GET /spreadsheet/1CYiQ3SHQJcY6k_rwiuXZSLNZAD4axfjoQHFpsvOyHDo/sheet/0/row//a84c6a12-eb40-4af1-bd86-acf55cc35a5f</pre>
</html>: timestamp=2022-10-03T19:35:44.230-0400
Try running your terraform apply/plan with info logs available to see what the REST API is returning
TF_LOG=info terraform apply
I'm not sure if you're having the same issue as me but I don't think this is an issue with the provider.
Adding a trailing /
I get this error message: unexpected response code '404': 404 page not found
It seems the API endpoint doesn't support this trailing /
at the end:
As a workaround I added some logic through terraform
data "http" "cf_ssl_recommender_status" {
url = "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/${zone_id}/settings/ssl_recommender"
request_headers = {
Content-Type = "application/json"
locals {
ssl_recomemender_enable = true
ssl_recomemender_api_response = jsondecode(data.http.cf_ssl_recommender_status.response_body)
ssl_recommender_status = lookup(lookup(local.ssl_recomemender_api_response, "result"), "enabled")
resource "restapi_object" "cf_ssl_recommender" {
count = local.ssl_recomemender_enable != local.ssl_recommender_status ? 1 : 0
path = "/client/v4/zones/${zone_id}/settings/ssl_recommender/"
create_method = "PATCH"
id_attribute = id
object_id = id
data = "{ \"enabled\": ${local.ssl_recomemender_enable} }"
depends_on = [
Maybe the issue belongs to the API that I'm working on and it is not related to the terraform provider restapi.
Feel free to close this issue if you consider
I am also experiencing the same issue. Terraform state is updated however, the provider has rouge behavior.
It should be considered a bug.
I thought I was having this issue as well, however I needed to set the id_attribute
in the provider config. When I set TF_LOG=debug
I was able to see the provider trying to do a GET
on my resources I'd just created, however the provider I was using uses name
as the id
instead of the actual id
returned by a POST
, so this GET
would always fail, causing it to try and re-create every time.
Double check the API you're using, for how you'd look up a single item, and make sure you've got id_attribute
set correctly in your provider config
I'm having a similar issue with the Shopify API.
I'm attempting to register webhooks, and for the most part the existing Shopify providers on the registry work fine, but one of the webhooks I'm trying to register requires a specific API version (2023-07 or later), which said providers don't support.
So I'm currently able to register the webhook with the following config:
provider "restapi" {
uri = "https://${var.shop}.myshopify.com"
write_returns_object = true
debug = true
id_attribute = "webhook/id"
headers = {
"Accept" = "application/json",
"X-Shopify-Access-Token" = data.aws_ssm_parameter.access_token.value
resource "restapi_object" "customers_email_marketing_consent_update" {
path = "/admin/api/${var.shopify_api_version}/webhooks.json"
read_path = "/admin/api/${var.shopify_api_version}/webhooks/{id}.json"
object_id = "webhook/id"
data = jsonencode({
webhook = {
topic = "customers_email_marketing_consent/update"
address = data.aws_cloudwatch_event_source.shopify.arn
format = "json"
However, when making subsequent plan applications, it always attempts to recreate those webhooks, which results in a 422: {"errors":{"address":["for this topic has already been taken"]}}
After enabling the TF_LOG env var, I can only see GET requests for the original provider, I can't see this provider attempting to ascertain the state of these webhook resources.
The only output related to restapi
is the following:
2023-12-06T17:50:35.523Z [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-restapi_v1.18.2: configuring server automatic mTLS: timestamp=2023-12-06T17:50:35.523Z
2023-12-06T17:50:35.562Z [INFO] provider: configuring client automatic mTLS
2023-12-06T17:50:35.653Z [WARN] ValidateProviderConfig from "module.shopify_events_gb.provider[\"registry.terraform.io/mastercard/restapi\"]" changed the config value, but that value is unused
2023-12-06T17:50:35.655Z [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-restapi_v1.18.2: 2023/12/06 17:50:35 api_client.go: Constructing debug api_client: timestamp=2023-12-06T17:50:35.655Z
2023-12-06T17:50:35.655Z [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-restapi_v1.18.2: 2023/12/06 17:50:35 limit: 179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368.000000 bucket: -9223372036854775808: timestamp=2023-12-06T17:50:35.655Z
2023-12-06T17:50:35.655Z [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-restapi_v1.18.2: 2023/12/06 17:50:35 api_client.go: Constructed client:
uri: https://my-shop.myshopify.com
insecure: false
id_attribute: webhook/id
write_returns_object: true
create_returns_object: false
Accept: application/json
X-Shopify-Access-Token: ***: timestamp=2023-12-06T17:50:35.655Z