this is my toml config `DISCORD_TOKEN="Token" SPOTIFY_USERNAME="aa" SPOTIFY_PASSWORD="a" DISCORD_USER_ID="629700611994157057"`
@StellarJay77 now im getting Error: Error { tag: Tag::Default, profile: Some(Profile(Uncased { string: "default" })), metadata: None, path: [], kind: DuplicateField("discord_token"), prev: None }
`Error: Error { tag: Tag::Default, profile: Some(Profile(Uncased { string: "default" })), metadata: None, path: [], kind: DuplicateField("discord_token"), prev: None }`
> `Error: Error { tag: Tag::Default, profile: Some(Profile(Uncased { string: "default" })), metadata: None, path: [], kind: DuplicateField("discord_token"), prev: None }` this was fixed by putting it in lower case...
@StellarJay77 yeah lol
it has the code grant but still comes up with