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CASMI2016 records with compound/spectrum mismatch
User reported that SM858902 and SM858951 contain spectral data from acetylsulfamethoxazole but are labeled diphenhydramine (thank you!). Upon closer inspection we seem to have had an ID/Precursor&peaks mismatch for 3 IDs / 4 records in a series, surrounded by records that look OK; series "broken" due to missing IDs in the middle. We also need to find the cause in
This should not be passing any form of validation; a screening of the entire CASMI2016 database would be extremely useful for debugging the cause and flagging how and how many records to fix, thank you @meier-rene in advance if you can :-)
From what I can see: **this one looks OK. ACCESSION: SM858203 RECORD_TITLE: Cetirizine; LC-ESI-QFT; MS2; CE: 35 NCE; R=35000; [M+H]+ CH$FORMULA: C21H25ClN2O3 CH$EXACT_MASS: 388.15537 MS$FOCUSED_ION: PRECURSOR_M/Z 389.1626 389.1626 C21H26ClN2O3+ 1 389.1626 -0.05
**this one looks OK. ACCESSION: SM858353 RECORD_TITLE: 2-Hydroxycarbamazepine; LC-ESI-QFT; MS2; CE: 35 NCE; R=35000; [M-H]- CH$FORMULA: C15H12N2O2 CH$EXACT_MASS: 252.08988 MS$FOCUSED_ION: PRECURSOR_M/Z 251.0826 251.0827 C15H11N2O2- 1 251.0826 0.4
[no records with IDs between 8583 and 8588]
** here something has gone wrong ACCESSION: SM858801 RECORD_TITLE: Finasteride; LC-ESI-QFT; MS2; CE: 35 NCE; R=35000; [M+H]+ CH$FORMULA: C23H36N2O2 CH$EXACT_MASS: 372.27768 MS$FOCUSED_ION: PRECURSOR_M/Z 256.1696
** here something has gone wrong ACCESSION: SM858902 RECORD_TITLE: Diphenhydramine; LC-ESI-QFT; MS2; CE: 35 NCE; R=35000; [M+H]+ CH$FORMULA: C17H21NO CH$EXACT_MASS: 255.16231 MS$FOCUSED_ION: PRECURSOR_M/Z 296.07
** still wrong ... it's using the same (wrong) exact mass to get equivalent wrong precursor ACCESSION: SM858951 RECORD_TITLE: Diphenhydramine; LC-ESI-QFT; MS2; CE: 35 NCE; R=35000; [M-H]- CH$FORMULA: C17H21NO CH$EXACT_MASS: 255.16231 MS$FOCUSED_ION: PRECURSOR_M/Z 294.0554
** still wrong: ACCESSION: SM859002 RECORD_TITLE: Acetyl-sulfamethoxazole; LC-ESI-QFT; MS2; CE: 35 NCE; R=35000; [M+H]+ CH$FORMULA: C12H13N3O4S CH$EXACT_MASS: 295.06268 MS$FOCUSED_ION: PRECURSOR_M/Z 325.1711 325.171 C20H22FN2O+ 1 325.1711 -0.17 <= we have F annotations!!!!!
[no 8591]
** and now everything seems OK again ... ACCESSION: SM859203 RECORD_TITLE: Amitriptyline; LC-ESI-QFT; MS2; CE: 35 NCE; R=35000; [M+H]+ CH$FORMULA: C20H23N CH$EXACT_MASS: 277.18305 MS$FOCUSED_ION: PRECURSOR_M/Z 278.1903 278.1904 C20H24N+ 1 278.1903 0.42