Hello, Thanks for the response. I will respond to specific points inline: > Do you manage to do what you want with rmarkdown and pdf_document format ? Well actually, I...
Added the line for `graphics: true`. Now the error is: ! Argument of \Gin@iii has an extra }. \par l.537 ...udegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{Test1} } \subfloat[2\label{fig:Test... Which I've seen before in various explorations...
@cderv I changed the YAML as indicated, same issue. EDIT: see below I think I messed up something here, it works with the code below
@DunLug OK, I think it's finally working! My YAML customizations from the base template are: output: rticles::ieee_article: extra_dependencies: "subfig" and header-includes: - \usepackage{graphicx} The code that you provided produces a...
@cderv Yes, actually, having it as part of `extra-dependencies` works as well.
> Not sure which IEEE .tex template to look at though ? Yeah I'm not sure either, it seems like what they supply on that website is journal-specific... However, as...
Thanks for your help @cderv !
I am experiencing this same issue on Chrome OS. I can use the browser fine but when I click the "Sign in with Blockstack" button on any app I...
For a city, sure. But I want to do this at a country level. Like, say, have the tooltip show the total population *and* GDP, or instance, while the map...