Config copied to clipboard
My config for gentoo linux, xmonad, vim, emacs, git, mutt, newsbeuter, tmux, pentadactyl, npm, idesk, xbindkeys, ...
Ray's comprehensive configuration archive.
pacman -S stack
stack install fast-tags ghc-mod hoogle hscope hledger pointfree pointful
Default applications:
See home/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list
and related desktop entries.
Gentoo Portage:
- collected many utilities to facilitate day-to-day shell usage (notable: GNU Parallel, ImageMagick, Unison, renameutils, TaskWarrior)
- servers/clients/tools related to network (MongoDB, ProFTPd, Nginx, PostgreSQL, Redit, ...)
- programming related application collections including compilers (GHC, OCaml, SBCL, Guile, Node.js, GNU Smalltalk, Erlang, Vala, etc) and many development tools
- use fasd to navigate the filesystem hierarchy
- numerous aliases
- decent autocomplete settings
- Haskell, Ruby, Node.js, Python, C++ and Web development settings
- lots of key bindings
- Many goodies including Global, Ack, EasyMotion, CtrlP, Syntastic, UltiSnips, Tabular
- organize applications on topic basic
- a great many bindings (perhaps over one hundred) for window arrangement, x11 utilities and so on
- scratchpads for ghci, ocaml, coffee, erl (Erlang), node (Node.js), R, pry (Ruby), ipython, lua, gst (GNU Smalltalk), task (taskwarrior), alsa-mixer, etc
- direction-based navigation via XMonad.Actions.Navigation2D
- website launcher for wikipedia, google, duckduckgo, github,, etc
X resources:
- XTerm
- URxvt
- XScreenSaver
- ...
Systemd services:
- Mutt
- Tmux
- Mailcap
- Pentadactyl (for Firefox)
- Udev
- Xorg
- ...
Have a look at my Linux desktop config (in Chinese) for my choice of desktop applications.